Guardian compares finance executives to paedophiles

I reproduce below the intro to a blog post on the Guardian’s Joris Luyendijk banking blog:

A psychologist compares the ‘twisted minds’ of some executives to those of paedophiles he has tried to treat in the past

I’ve long regarded much of the Guardian as beyond parody. Its Comment is Free site in particular seems to be dedicated to testing to destruction the notion that anyone can publish anything on the internet.

But the above is more than beyond parody; it’s beneath contempt.

Gay marriage: an ex cathedra utterance from the Guardian

I’m indebted to Spiked Online for drawing my attention to this quote from one of the Guardianista faithful. I must confess that I missed it first time round. Mea culpa.

‘There are some subjects that should be discussed in shades of grey, with acknowledgement of subtleties and cultural differences. Same-sex marriage is not one of those. There is a right answer.’

Holy writ, you might say.