Sue, Grabbit, Runne and Hyde…

Sue, Grabbit, Runne and Hyde…
The UK’s highly restrictive legal system is trying to wrap its gag around Parliament.
The Guardian is to challenge a ban by lawyers Carter-Ruck on reporting a question submitted by an MP.
Mind your own business
The newspaper isn’t allowed to identify the MP who has asked the question, say what the question is, which minister might answer it, or where the question is to be found.
Your bill…
Who’ll the legal bill for all this? What do you think?
From Paul Stainthorp via Twitter.

The UK’s highly restrictive legal system is trying to wrap its gag around Parliament.

The Guardian is to challenge a ban by lawyers Carter-Ruck on reporting a question submitted by an MP.

Mind your own business
The newspaper isn’t allowed to identify the MP who has asked the question, say what the question is, which minister might answer it, or where the question is to be found.

From Paul Stainthorp via Twitter.

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